The Money and Time Currency to Business & Life Success

This is not suppose to be easy.  If it was, we all be millionaires and billionaires by now.  Heck, who doesn’t want to be the next Bill Gates, Lebron James, Jay-Z, Warren Buffett today?  Not likely gonna happen, but who knows.  Anything can happen right?  There is always a steep learning curve involved, but that curve can drastically be shortened with the right mentors, with the right guidance, and training.  The wrong path, can take you a step back and more.

There is this assumption of massive wealth quick and easy.  But there is always a certain amount of sweat equity involved.  There is the money and time currency that you have to spend to figure things out to get to where you want to be.  A lot of it is in the mindset and perception of what success is and what it revolves around.

We can always make more money, but cannot make more time.  We can try to save time.  The money and time freedom currency is what we all try to aim and achieve for.  The road to success will require that money and time currency at start, probably much more than you would think at the beginning.  But the freedom currency earned makes it worth all the effort.

Life is short and getting even shorter, which seem to accelerate in our minds as we get older.   Yes, people are living somewhat longer due to medical and technological advances.  But let’s put everything into perspective.

Let’s say the average person can live 90 years.  And in one day there are 24 hours, and let’s say the average person somehow sleeps 8 hours in that day.  That would be one-third of the day.  So in life, you would have slept away 30 years of it.  Imagine what it was like reaching your first 30 years.  Probably feeling old.  Well, you will be sleeping away about that same amount.

Getting rich is not just about working hard.  There are too many people working way too hard nowadays and are lucky to be considered middle class.  Getting rich and generating lifetime wealth is about working hard at “working smarter”.  That’s the goal, work hard at working smarter, being more efficient, and seeing things to have the foresight and to move through different challenges and goals that get in your way.

To live a better life, work smarter, think smarter, take smarter actions.  Always keep this in mind.  Live it, think it, and practise it.  Make it preeminent.  You must work smart to power your way through any obstacles and challenges that come your way.

So have a business to enjoy true time and financial freedom, be prepared to be punched in the face, and then some, and some more.  To become a heavyweight champion boxer, think how many times they’ve been punched straight on to get to where they are.  Whether you are aiming for your 1st 1K, 2K, 5K, 10K, or so month, we all or most of us had to take the punches to get there.  Otherwise, there’s a Starbucks somewhere waiting for you with your own name tag.

You are making a stand and fighting for something greater than yourself, which is for those who you can affect positively, which are your close friends, family, and audience.  You are fighting for something wonderful, not many are able to achieve.  But once you get there, you know it is all worth it.

The time is yours.  Make it happen.  And make it rain.